I had broken my goals down into four sections: Running,
Blog, Educational/Professional and Life goals. Let’s take a look at the running
goals I had envisioned for myself:
Running Goals:
Complete 12 races (preferably one a month) in
2012!!!!!- So far I’ve completed 4 races: one in
January, February, April and June. I don’t think I need to cross this one off
just yet. I still have plenty of time to get 8 more in!
Develop a training schedule for my first half
marathon and stick to it!- Ok, so this one may not be
completed this year, and I’m ok with that. As some may know, I ran into some
health issues and had to put this off to deal with them. I started fainting
during exercise and what could be considered “stressful” situations even if I
didn’t think I was under stress. I was put through a multitude of medical tests
until we figured out what was causing it and remedied the situation. It was a
combination of issues and one of them I’m still trying to get a hold on. Once I
get better control of this lasting issue I believe I will be able to focus on
training to run longer distances. It’s still a goal of mine, but in a much
longer time frame.
Participate in my first Mud Run!!!! I love the
energy of the Spartan Race and Warrior Dash but am fully aware of my physical
limitations. However, thankfully, there are alternatives for those of us who
want a similar experience but can’t exactly do it military style…yet. – I am currently registered for the first annual LoziLu Women’s
Mud Run in Boston on July 7th, 2012 as part of the Mud Monkeys
Team. I’m super excited for this!!!!
My blog goals :
Research the ins and outs of the blog and
develop a style that suits me personally and meets the needs of those who read
it (meaning feedback is critical people!)
Write at least one post a week for my blog
Fully invest myself in the blogging process and
allow myself to be vulnerable, and accept where ever that may take me
So, I think I can
address these goals as a collective whole: my life and relationships with my
family and friends have taken precedence and this has been the area that I’ve
allowed to be put on hold. I’d like to invest a little more time in it as the
next few months pass but I will not be disappointed if I can only write
occasionally. Especially as I being a new part of my journey starting in July
;) My Goal is to use my blog to inspire people, to detail my own personal
transformation and to pass on the knowledge I gain through my training and
Ta da: Schooling!
My Educational/Professional goals as written in February:
Research Graduate schools for Nutrition and
Wellness, Complete pre-requisites for the program I choose and get in
applications. (This means Chemistry…help me please!)
Study for and take the GRE
Complete Health and Wellness certification
through AFPA
So, again, I think I
can speak to these as a whole: I am enrolled in the Institute of Integrative Nutrition’s year long Health Coach Certification program starting on July 16th,
2012. I’m doing this for myself but also so that I may pass on the information
I learn to those who want it and position myself with the knowledge to help
others. I am so excited to start this journey! I may still get the
certification through AFPA but the program at IIN looked to be a much better
fit at this time. I still plan on getting my Masters in Nutrition to eventually
become a registered dietitian but I have decided to wait to pursue that for when
my daughter is in school. I plan on
taking the GRE after I finish the program at IIN.
My Life goal:
Find something beautiful in every single day,
accept my struggles and as cliché as it sounds live every day as if it’s my
last.- Work in progress ;) I’m enjoying my time being
with my daughter and seeing the changes I’ve been making to live a healthier
life and take care of myself. As I’m gaining knowledge, it’s become
surprisingly easier than I thought it would be and for that I’m grateful. Every
day is a gift, enjoy it.
Start line of the Season End 5k |
This year has already been filled
with amazing changes and beautiful experiences. I learned so much by working
with Girls on the Run; about the girls themselves and how impressionable their
little minds are and how smart they are too. I honestly had no idea how much
they saw and heard and felt. It’s easy to forget as an adult how much they’re
really aware of. Their world isn’t just playgrounds and sleepovers but filled
with adult issues and un-pleasantries like bullying and a negative self image.
I just didn’t realize how much they saw and heard and how we, as adults, can either
be a positive role model and lead by example or we can feed that negativity
with our behaviors. I’m glad I was a part of this organization and am honored
to have spent the time I could with them. The season ended with a community 5k
at the Essex Fair Grounds with lots of music and smiling faces. I can’t even
explain how much pride I had for the girls and how far they’d come.

I also got to participate in a
two week Boot camp through Burlington Adventure Boot Camp for Women and loved
the change of pace. Now, getting up at 4:30 am is not my cup of tea on most
days but it was a neat experience to be in that kind of setting. Every day was
different and the camaraderie among the women was phenomenal. We were all there
for the same reason, it didn’t matter what our fitness levels were as there
were modifications to accommodate everyone, and the end result was the same.
The two week boot camp also came with two nutrition seminars: One was at the
grocery store looking at how things are marketed (bright packages, placed at
eye level, etc.) and how to shop for healthy foods on a budget. This is
something that I am going to keep in mind for future use after I’ve completed
my certification as I found it most helpful to walk around a grocery store with
someone who was knowledgeable of what I should be looking for and what I should
avoid when food shopping. (I have discount coupons for those interested in trying this out!)
So! There’s my 6 month check up!
I’d love to hear what other people are up to and how you’ve chosen to take care of
yourself. What work outs have you found helpful? Anything new you think I
should be trying?
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