Monday, January 30, 2012

Destination Running

I never knew there was such a thing as destination running.

I guess when you don’t run, it wouldn’t occur to you to travel somewhere and run someplace new. At least it didn’t to me. Now that I’ve entered this “new world” in which I long to run, to push myself, and achieve these new goals, destination running has opened me to new possibilities.
When I was looking for races to fill my schedule, I was only looking locally. It honestly didn’t cross my mind to go outside the box and see what other places had to offer. Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled to be participating in the races that my local community will be holding like the Spring Fling and Vermont Remembers. But, it’s a whole new ball game with destination running.

There are two ways to add running to your schedule when you’re on vacation. The first is to make sure to go running where ever you are. You can absolutely run around your hotel property whether you’re in the city or a Bed & Breakfast in the country (just make sure you either have mace or bug spray depending on where you are.) The beauty of running is that it can be done anywhere without hauling big heavy equipment around with you. And, with the internet, I’m sure you can search for popular running trails near your location for something tried and true. (I've recently stumbled upon Run The Planet, where people go on and upload their favorite routes/trails all over the world. I'll be exploring this soon!) There are beautiful uplifting places out there just waiting to be discovered if only we’ll take the time to find them. What better way to spend a few hours while on vacation than going in search of all a new place has to offer while sweating your stress away?
Tinkerbell Half in Disneyland
The second way to incorporate destination running into your trip is to actually build your vacation around an organized run. For instance Heather, over at Run Faster Mommy, is in California right now getting ready to run the first Tinkerbell Half Marathon in Disneyland. How amazing is that?! This got me thinking, I want to do it too!!!! All over the country there are destination races planned that you can be a part of. Before, I would have looked at a race and been disappointed that it wasn’t going to be in a city near me (which happens often when you live in Vermont) and then would have moved on. But why can’t I participate in a race in Phoenix, Arizona or Hilton Head Island?

Because of this discovery of “Destination Running” I’ve decided to expand my reach and plan to add running to my upcoming vacations. When my husband walks in May for earning his Masters degree, I plan on finding an amazing spot to run in the hopes to experience all I can of Baltimore. Who knows, maybe we’ll even take a side trip to Washington D.C. and I’ll get to run along the pool between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument with all the cherry trees around it and look at their reflection in water. I think it’s one thing to see a city through the window of your rental car, but it’s another to see it pass you by as you run through its streets or along nearby trails.
I’m also looking forward to spending a long weekend in Boston for the First Annual Lozilu 5k Mud Run in Boston, MA. I can’t wait to have an amazing time with all of my girlfriends as we run through the obstacles and inevitably get covered in mud! I’m super psyched for that one!  Another option for Destination running my family is looking into is the Firefly 5/10k race in Denver, Colorado. We have family in the Highlands area we’d already been planning on visiting and through social media I had discovered this run happening in August. Initially I’d been disappointed that the run wasn’t at a location close to me, as the pictures of last year’s race looked amazing. Everyone gets LED lights to attach to themselves and it takes place in the evening. To see hundreds, if not thousands, of people running all aglow would be spectacular. Why can’t I incorporate it into a vacation I’d already been planning on? That is currently my homework for this “Destination Running” lesson.

I'm amazed at just how easy it is to incorporate running into your vacation and to think of all the beautiful places you can say you've gotten to run. You know, how neat would it be to say you've gotten to run in all 50 states. Or on every continent for that matter?! The possibilities are endless! 

Now, let's just hope the airline doesn't lose the suitcase with my sneakers in it and well be all set! 

Fondly, Betsey


  1. Fasinating, Betsey....I never knew. Just to incorporate the beauty the outdoors has to offer opens up endless possibilities for any travel. To research different places to explore and walk or hike is exciting to me as a non-runner. I love the whole concept and look forward to my next vacation to plan!!

    1. if you don't have one for May--join us at the Run for Your Lives race!! we're doing the 1pm wave.

    2. WHere is the Run for Your Lives race? I haven't heard of it!
